I found and old software I did, sometime ago.
I'm talking about "password creator", that help me to make easily password, to avoid use pass like births, pet names or like
l33t style.
Mini IntroductionIs a software to generate password in your cellphone.
How does it work?simple: you need just press "generar" and ready, this make a random password
almost unique.
With a phrase: You can fill in a text asociate to a unique password. But I obviously recommend remeber without help of you cellphone for more security.
Don't worry in you cellphone gonna looks betters :), this image is just from a cell emulator.
OptionsInside the options you can set the large of the password and if you want uppercase, lowercase, numbers or special characters($,#,+..).
DownloadJad & Jar (?)passwordcreator.jadpasswordcreator.jarSource codepasswordcreator.zip